Papers We Love is a repository of academic computer science papers and a community who loves reading them.


Alex Rasmussen presents Flat Datacenter Storage - San Francisco 1/15

March Meetups

We have another great line-up of meet-ups scheduled for March across a number of our chapters:

Addison 3/2: Complex Systems Theory Stephen Wolfram, presented by Nik Clarkson

Amsterdam 3/4: Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System

Toronto 3/4: Colin Lupton on Quantum Lambda Calculus

Seattle 3/10: : Dynamo: Amazon’s Highly Available Keyvalue Store

Bangalore 3/14: Hyperloglog

New York 3/16: John Myles White on Fundamental Concepts in Programming Languages

Saint Louis 3/16: Out of the Tar Pit (Mosley, Marks)

London 3/18: Adam Johnson on How Complex Systems Fail

Vienna 3/23: Why Functional Programming Matters

Montréal 3/25: Structural Zeros versus Sampling Zeros by Mohri and Roark

San Francisco 3/26: Armon Dadgar on Bloom Filters and HyperLogLog

Bodil Stokke on µKanren: A Minimal Functional Core for Relational Programming

Sam Tobin-Hochstadt on Composable and Compilable Macros

February Meetups

We have another great line-up of meet-ups scheduled for February across a number of our chapters:

Dallas 2/2: Rendering Synthetic Objects into Real Scenes, Paul Debevec, pres. Adam Hill

Toronto 2/4: Chris Saunders on Teaching Garbage Collectors

New York 2/5: Sam Tobin-Hochstadt on Composable and Compilable Macros

Hyderabad 2/14: A Theoretician's­ Guide to the Experimental Analysis of Algorithms

St. Louis 2/16: On Certain Formal Properties of Grammars (Chomsky)

Montreal 2/18: Guy Dumais on "Learning to Rank with Multi-Aspect Relevance for Vertical Search"

San Francisco 2/19: Caitie McCaffrey on Orleans: A Framework for Cloud Computing

Vienna 2/23: Dynamo: Amazon’s Highly Available Key-value Store

New York 2/23: Andrew Turley on Incremental Mature Garbage Collection Using the Train Algorithm

Los Angeles 2/25: Sam L'ecuyer on The Join Calculus: a Language for Distributed Mobile Programming