Chapter Meetups

PWL Bangalore: February 2022 Meetup

Date/Time: 2022-02-25 05:30pm Location: false

Reading "Developing Verified Programs with Dafny" with Divyanshu Ranjan

Hosted on Zoom through the platform.

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Papers We Love: December 2021 Meetup

Date/Time: 2021-12-17 05:30pm Location: false

We will be reading Google's Spanner, by popular demand. Unmesh Joshi from ThoughtWorks will be presenting.

Venue: Online, through

Register here:

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"Tail at Scale" at Dean and Barroso, presented by Piyush Goel

Date/Time: 2020-08-29 05:00pm Location: false

We're going to discuss "The Tail at Scale" by Jeff Dean and Luiz André Barroso.

Piyush Goel will present the paper.

## Agenda

- Everyone comes to the meetup having read the paper
- The speaker will present the paper
- We will discuss the paper and ancillary topics

It's understood that not everyone will be able to read the paper beforehand, but we will not let that stop deeper discussions.

## Abstract:
Software techniques that tolerate latency variability are vital to building responsive large-scale Web services.

Systems that respond to user actions quickly (within 100ms) feel more fluid and natural to users than those that take longer. Improvements in Internet connectivity and the rise of warehouse-scale computing systems have enabled web services that provide fluid responsiveness while consulting multi-terabyte datasets spanning thousands of servers; for example, the Google search system updates query results interactively as t…

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"Your Server As A Function" written by Marius Eriksen, presented by Sherin

Date/Time: 2020-02-22 03:00pm Location: MoveInSync Technology Solutions Private Limited - Bengaluru

Papers We Love, Bangalore chapter is back from its sabbatical!

We are starting with a paper very relevant to modern software architectures: "Your Server as a Function" by Marius Eriksen of Twitter.

This is a very accessible and readable paper, totalling 7 pages. Anyone who has designed and architected software systems or anyone who wants to do so will enjoy reading and discussing this paper.

You can download it from here:

Some of his other work can be found on the same website:

About the presenter:

Sherin from He's a long time Rubyist and a Typed-FP practitioner in OCaml and ReasonML.


0. (Before the meetup) All of us read the paper and come
1. Sherin will present the paper
2. Themed discussions around the …

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Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search

Date/Time: 2019-08-31 03:00pm Location: Nanoheal - Bengaluru

We will go through the AlphaGo paper ( In particular, I (Naren; will focus on the generic Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm; how it works; and, how it is specialized in this paper.

Remember that PWL is a discussion group, so please read the material beforehand as best as you can so we can have livelier discussions.

The location will be announced soon!

Thanks and see you there!

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A tutorial on the universality and expressiveness of fold

Date/Time: 2018-08-25 03:00pm Location: Cybrilla Technologies - Bangalore

This paper by Graham Hutton ( provides a great introduction to reasoning with functional programs through the humble 'fold' operator. It gives an insight into how functional programs can be correct by construction and how functional programs can be programatically transformed. The audience is not expected to know functional programming... To help with understanding, I will express concretely many of the points covered in the paper in Haskell. Thanks!

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Time, Clocks and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System with Ciju

Date/Time: 2018-07-07 03:00pm Location: OpenEBS Office Space - Bangalore

Available at:

As a summary, here is a quote from Leslie's website, about the paper (
" algorithm for totally ordering events could be used to implement any distributed system. A distributed system can be described as a particular sequential state machine that is implemented with a network of processors. The ability to totally order the input requests leads immediately to an algorithm to implement an arbitrary state machine by a network of processors, and hence to implement any distributed system. So, I wrote this paper, which is about how to implement an arbitrary distributed state machine. As an illustration, I used the simplest example of a distributed system I could think of--…

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A note on distributed computing with Indradhanush Gupta

Date/Time: 2018-02-24 03:00pm Location: OpenEBS Office Space - Bangalore

• What we'll do

We will discuss the following paper:


We argue that objects that interact in a distributed system need to be dealt with in ways that are intrinsically different from objects that interact in a single address space. These differences are required because distributed systems require that the programmer be aware of latency, have a different model of memory access, and take into account issues of concurrency and partial failure.

We look at a number of distributed systems that have attempted to paper over the distinction between local and remote objects, and show that such systems fail to support basic requirements of robustness and reliability. These failures have been maske…

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A dive into Graham Hutton's "Higher Order Functions for Parsing"

Date/Time: 2018-01-20 03:00pm Location: OpenEBS Office Space - Bangalore

• What we'll do

1. A brief pitch for parsers, and their usage. We'll consider parsers outside of compilers, and programming language implementations i.e. parsers in everyday programming.
2. A dive into the approach suggested by the paper.
3. Implementation details, and comparing approaches in Haskell and Ruby. Chosen for their vastly different approach towards type systems and style of programming.

• What to bring

1. Your favourite note taking medium.
2. An open mind.

• Important to know

1. There won't be any hands-on exercises, or working through the paper.

Paper link:

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Introduction to Projective Geometry

Date/Time: 2017-10-14 02:00pm Location: HasGeek House - Bangalore

Paper: An Introduction to Projective Geometry


3D Computer Vision is the area of Computer Vision that studies how we can recreate 3D images of a 3D object, as opposed to normal cameras that create a 2D image of a 3D object. Application of this is abundant today: from Apple X's Augmented Reality applications, 3D Facial Recognition to latest news today Google Pixel use of Depth in images to create bokeh/Portrait images. Projective Geometry is the bread and butter of 3D Computer Vision. During this talk, we will see how Projective Geometry allows us to model the imaging process of a camera. Projective Geometry allows much more richer transformations than just translation and rotation possible in Euclidean Geometry. We will discuss how we can use Projective Geometry for various Computer Vision Problems: like Stereo, 3D Reconstruction etc.

It is a Joint session of Bangalore Co…

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An incremental approach to compiler construction

Date/Time: 2017-09-09 03:00pm Location: Fitkids education and training - Bangalore

I find this paper by Abdulaziz Ghuloum extremely elegant and one of the most approachable introductions to compiler construction. I hope to present and demo a small compiler built in 24 incremental steps where each step is simple enough to grasp easily.


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Crowdsourcing Data Analysis by Lakshman

Date/Time: 2017-06-30 07:00pm Location: HasGeek House - Bangalore

Full Title: Crowdsourcing Data Analysis: Do Soccer Referees Give More Red Cards to Dark Skin Toned Players?

Edit: Call Vipin at[masked] in case you have any difficulty in finding the venue.

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Scalable Component Abstractions with Manohar

Date/Time: 2017-05-13 03:00pm Location: Cognizant Technology Solutions, - Bangalore

Manohar Jonnalagedda will talk about Scalable Component Abstractions
by Odersky and Zenger, published at OOPSLA 2005. He recently finished his PhD from Odersky's lab. 

The paper that goes through 3 main features of the Scala language, and could arguably be considered as one of the base papers.

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Discuss Central limit Theorem

Date/Time: 2017-03-11 11:00am Location: false

Let's discuss central limit theorem. . It's been an itch for me to understand that one, so I'll read up the background.

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A statistical approach to machine translation with Abhaya Agarwal

Date/Time: 2017-02-04 03:00pm Location: Instamojo - Bangalore

We will be discussing the classic paper which kickstarted the area of Statistical Machine Translation.

The following is a explanatory document discussing the translation models, EM algorithm and provides mathematical proofs:

And finally, these are slides discussing the same material but with more examples and easier to understand:

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CRDT: Conflict-free replicated data types

Date/Time: 2017-01-21 03:00pm Location: Concur Technologies, 3rd Floor, B-block, Bagmane Laurel - Bangalore

Abstract:  Eventual consistency aims to ensure that replicas of some mutable shared object converge without foreground synchronisation. Previous approaches to eventual consistency are ad-hoc and error-prone. We study a principled approach: to base the design of shared data types on some simple formal conditions that are sufficient to guarantee eventual consistency. We call these types Convergent or Commutative Replicated Data Types (CRDTs).

Reference Paper:  A comprehensive study of Convergent and Commutative Replicated Data Types

Overview: Replication is a fundamental concept of distributed systems. Any data update must be replicated to all peers in the system, if the system were to behave like a single system. This is usually achieved  by introducing coordination, but it is expensive and can become infeasible quickly. An alternative approach is to build systems that are eventually co…

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Rsync and CAP

Date/Time: 2016-12-10 03:00pm Location: GoJek - Bangalore

We have a meetup after a long break!

We are trying an alternate format for our talks and from now onward we will have multiple short talks instead of one long one. You can read more about the reasons to do so here.

Ramki will talk about Rsync.


Anand Pillai will talk about CAP theorem and here is the reading material.

1. This is the closest to "original paper" I could find. The idea was first proposed by Brewer in a talk.
   Lessons from Giant-Scale Services,   

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FLP: Impossibility of Distributed Consensus with One Faulty Process by Vaidhy

Date/Time: 2016-04-09 02:00pm Location: Codemancers Pvt Ltd - Bengaluru

Vaidhy will be presenting the famous FLP paper in distributed systems:

Fischer Lynch Paterson wrote a paper on Impossibility of Distributed Consensus with One Faulty Process :

Kashyap:'s geolocation is kind of screwed up. Use this Gmaps link for directions on your mobile: The office is near the junction of Old Madras Road and IndiraNagar 100ft Road. Call [masked] for clarification. If you're heading towards old madras road on the 100ft Road, it's the last lane on the left side.

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Gradual Typing for Functional Languages

Date/Time: 2016-03-19 03:00pm Location: IISc bangalore - Bangalore

I hope to present one of the earliest papers on Gradual Typing. 
We will start with the basics. 

• Various approaches of typing and the differences. 

• Static, Gradual, Optional etc 

• Contrast static and run time guarantees/behavior of untyped and typed lambda calculus 

• Learn the Notation in Programming Language Theory 

 We will also look into other candidates in this space and what they do differently - like flowtype for js, typed racket, mypy etc. 


Supplementary reading: 


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Meet Dr. Shriram Krishnamurthi

Date/Time: 2016-01-17 08:00pm Location: Citrus Cunningham - Bangalore

Shriram is back at Bangalore and has agreed to give a talk on 17th Jan, Sunday evening.

Unlike other meetings, we *do not* have any reading material. Come with an open mind.

Talk Abstract:

The Recurring Rainfall Problem

Soloway's Rainfall problem, a classic benchmark in computing education research, has proven difficult for many CS1 students.  Rainfall tests students' abilities at plan composition, the task of integrating code fragments that implement subparts of a problem into a single program. Nearly all prior studies of Rainfall have involved students who were learning imperative programming with arrays.  In our recent multi-university study, students learning functional programming produced atypical profiles of compositions and errors on Rainfall. What do these different results suggest about the problem of plan composition and programming education?

This talk raises various questions about the relationships between programming languages, progr…

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Shor's Algorithm - Part 2

Date/Time: 2016-01-09 02:00pm Location: InMobi - Bangalore

Shor's Algorithm - Part 1

Date/Time: 2016-01-02 02:00pm Location: InMobi - Bangalore

Paper: By Peter M. Shor

Speaker: Anita SV.

We will restrict this to just the introduction to Quantum Mechanics and Qubits. 

Location: Ask for Cafeteria @ Inmobi office.

Link to Part 2:

Pre-requisites: Complex Numbers, Vectors, Trigonometry. 

Good To Know: Fourier Transform, Number Theory.

Bonus: Linear Algebra, Hilbert Spaces, Quantum Mechanics.

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Let's Shazaam with Arpit Mohan

Date/Time: 2015-12-12 03:00pm Location: 91Springboard -Bangalore - Bangalore

A Geocoding Algorithm Based On A Comparative Study with Shravanthi

Date/Time: 2015-11-07 03:00pm Location: Near Pvt Ltd, 4th Floor, 71/72, Jyothi Nivas College Road, - Bangalore

Log-structured merge-tree with Sreekanth Vadagiri

Date/Time: 2015-10-24 03:00pm Location: HasGeek House - Bangalore

I plan to cover 2  papers. But the focus will definitely on the LSM-Tree paper.

The Log-Structured Merge-Tree (LSM-Tree)

As a brief intro will start with the B trees probably from (The ubiquitous B tree)

If people are intersted, I can show code for the some of the above.

Some knowledge of Database Internals and some basic algorithms is expected.

The reason this paper is important, is because most modern databases use either of the two ways for storing data.

I have started to create a Reading Helper for Reading the paper. It is here. If you are reading the paper and are confused about things  please make a comment and I will update it.

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Overlapping Experiment Infrastructure with Srihari & Nivedita

Date/Time: 2015-10-10 03:00pm Location: Red Hat India Pvt. Ltd - Bangalore

Wait Free Synchronization - Maurice Herlihy

Date/Time: 2015-08-15 10:00am Location: Idea Device - Bangalore


Date/Time: 2015-03-14 03:00pm Location: Idea Device - Bangalore

I will be talking about Hyperloglog, a cardinality (i.e. number of distinct elements) estimation algorithm. In general, counting the number of elements in a set gets harder as the number of sets increase. For e.g., you might want to count number of users from a country.. i.e. number of sets is just 200+ and you can use a map of country to count. But, if you want to count the number of unique visitors to a popular website, then the number of sets become really large.

Probabilistic counting methods give a way to estimate the cardinality of sets without keeping track of every single item. Hyperloglog is probably the best known of those methods. 


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"Data Structures for Text Sequences"

Date/Time: 2015-01-31 03:00pm Location: Idea Device - Bangalore

Ashok Gautham will be talking about the paper "Data Structures for Text Sequences" by Charles Crowley.

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"Tierless Programming and Reasoning for Software-Defined Networks"

Date/Time: 2015-01-10 10:00am Location: Citrus Cunningham - Bangalore

Prof. Shriram Krishnamurthi will be talking about his recent research on software defined networks and around the paper he co-authored "Tierless Programming and Reasoning for Software-Defined Networks". A link to the paper is here:

Some material to understand the paper better:

1. Introduction to the domain, helps to get a brief idea before diving into the paper.

2. Video lecture:

3. Th…

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Functional Geometry

Date/Time: 2014-12-13 03:00pm Location: Idea Device - Bangalore

Functional Geometry - and


Imperative programming is rooted in compulsively thinking of programs as a sequence of instructions given to a machine that manipulates a set of bits. Bits represent state: each bit can be in 2 states, 10 bits in 1024 states, a 100 in 1e301 states. No matter whatever high level abstractions you create for talking about these primitive bits (floats, points, lines, boxes, polygons, fish), as long as you are writing programs that work with state, you are bound to run into this combinatorial explosion as you add complexity. We humans are really bad at keeping track of states in our heads! An average person can keep

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Paxos paper discussion by Vaidhy/Anita.

Date/Time: 2014-12-06 11:00am Location: Nilenso Software LLP - Bangalore

Vaidhy discussed Raft today (29th). He will followup on the Paxos paper by Leslie Lamport.

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Raft/Paxos and other consensus algorithms

Date/Time: 2014-11-29 03:00pm Location: Nilenso Software LLP - Bangalore

 Paxos and Raft are two algorithms for getting one answer from a group of unreliable processors. Some of the more popular use-cases for such algorithms are leader election, distributed locking, distributed log replication and so on.

Paxos was originally presented by Leslie Lamport in a very entertaining paper (that was rejected for publication many times). However, generalized Paxos is considered extremely hard to implement. 

Raft was born as a easy to understand consensus algorithm and had several implementations to its credit. 

In this session, I am planning to go over the problem of distributed log replication, walk through Paxos and its derivatives and then go through Raft. We can take a quick shot at implementing it, if time permits. 

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Meetup #2 - QuickCheck by Naren Sundaravaradan

Date/Time: 2014-10-11 03:00pm Location: Idea Device - Bangalore

Naren will be talking about the QuickCheck paper from John Hughes: 

slides and code:

More details:

Many of you have mentioned about this clashing with a talk at FuConf on property-based testing but I suggest we go through with this because I not only plan to cover QuickCheck but also motivate the topic with a little generality with respect to functional programming (to cater to those with a background mainly in imperative languages). Here is an outline of things I will cover

Each of these below will be illustrated with plenty of code examples

- Why are tests needed? This…

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First Meetup - "A micro-manual for LISP -- not the whole truth"

Date/Time: 2014-09-13 03:00pm Location: Idea Device - Bangalore

We will discuss and implement John McCarthy's 1978 paper "A Micro-manual for LISP -- not the whole truth".

Please read up the paper and work through it before coming into the meeting so that everyone benefits from the collective knowledge. The meetup will be very informal.

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