March Meetups

We have another great line-up of meet-ups scheduled for March across a number of our chapters:

Addison 3/2: Complex Systems Theory Stephen Wolfram, presented by Nik Clarkson

Amsterdam 3/4: Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System

Toronto 3/4: Colin Lupton on Quantum Lambda Calculus

Seattle 3/10: : Dynamo: Amazon’s Highly Available Keyvalue Store

Bangalore 3/14: Hyperloglog

New York 3/16: John Myles White on Fundamental Concepts in Programming Languages

Saint Louis 3/16: Out of the Tar Pit (Mosley, Marks)

London 3/18: Adam Johnson on How Complex Systems Fail

Vienna 3/23: Why Functional Programming Matters

Montréal 3/25: Structural Zeros versus Sampling Zeros by Mohri and Roark

San Francisco 3/26: Armon Dadgar on Bloom Filters and HyperLogLog

The New York Chapter would like to give special thanks to our Platinum sponsor TwoSigma. We would like to give additional thanks to The Ladders, and tumblr for providing food/refreshments and facilities for the March meetup.