Papers We Love is a repository of academic computer science papers and a community who loves reading them.
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February Meetups
We have another great line-up of meet-ups scheduled for February across a number of our chapters:
Toronto 2/3: Scott Rostrup on Tracing the MetaLevel: PyPy’s Tracing JIT Compiler
Madrid 2/10: Building Program Vector Representations for Deep Learning
New York 2/11: Bryan Cantrill on Jails & Solaris Zones
Seattle 2/11: : Chord
Winnipeg 2/12: Petuum: A New Platform for Distributed Machine Learning on Big Data
Saint Louis 2/15: Drawing Rooted Trees in Linear Time
London 2/17: Phil Potter on Dolstra's "The Purely Functional Software Deployment Model"
94107 2/18: Matt Adereth on "A Scalable Bootstrap for Massive Data"
Bucharest 2/22: February Meetup
Montréal 2/24: Abstract Interpretation by Cousot and Cousot
Los Angeles 2/24: Paul Snively on Propositions as Types
Bill Berry on No Silver Bullet
Henry Robinson on No compromises: distributed transactions with consistency, availability, and performance
Gorka Guardiola on Paths, Trees and Flowers
January Meetups
We have another great line-up of meet-ups scheduled for January across a number of our chapters:
Bangalore 1/2: Shor's Algorithm Part
Bangalore 1/9: Shor's Algorithm Part
Bucharest 1/11: January Meetup
Vienna 1/14: Lisp
Seattle 1/14: : The Dataflow Model and Millwheel: Fault tolerant stream processing
Bangalore 1/17: Meet Dr. Shriram Krishnamurthi
Saint Louis 1/18: Magnetic Levitation & Guidance
Madrid 1/20: Path, Trees and Flowers
London 1/20: Tom Crayford on 'An History and Evaluation of System R'
Montréal 1/20: Better Bitmap Performance with Roaring Bitmaps
Winnipeg 1/20: Communication in the Presence of Noise
San Francisco 1/21: Henry Robinson on "No compromises: distributed transactions with consistency.."
Seattle 1/27: .: Scalable Atomic Visibility with RAMP Transactions
Marina del Rey 1/27: Bill Berry on No Silver Bullet
New York 1/28: Ramsey Nasser on PushPull++