Bonnie Eisenman on Multiphase Numerical Modeling... for Jigsaw Puzzle Generation

New York - March 28, 2018


This paper explores expansions on the stylistic variety of handmade and artisanal jigsaw puzzles through the application of techniques from natural simulation. Typical jigsaw puzzle designs reflect the manufacturing constraints of die-cut, mass-production methods, but novel families of puzzle forms can be generated by applying a phase field approach to the simulation of dendritic solidification ( Existing models of solidification with multiphase methods are extended to satisfy aesthetic and geometric considerations specific to jigsaw puzzle design.

It's a mixture of math, physics, and good old-fashioned puzzling.


Bonnie Eisenman ( is a senior software engineer at Twitter and a member of the hackerspace NYC Resistor (, with previous experience at Codecademy, Fog Creek Software, and Google. She is the author of Learning React Native (, a book on building native iOS and Android applications with Javascript, published with O’Reilly Media. In her spare time, she enjoys learning languages, tinkering with hardware projects, and knitting. Find her on Twitter as @brindelle (



TwoSigma The New York Chapter would like to thank TwoSigma for helping to make this meetup possible.