June Meetups

We have another great line-up of meet-ups scheduled for June across a number of our chapters:

Pune 6/4: Build a Nano Drone(Paid)

Singapore 6/6: Papers We Love #027

Vienna 6/6: Consensus on Transaction Commit

Chattanooga 6/6: Derik Pell on Elementary Epistemological Features of Machine Intelligence

Columbus 6/7: Papers We Love Book Club: The Manager's Path

Picos 6/13: TDBS: a time division beacon scheduling mechanism for ZigBee cluster-tree WSN

London 6/15: Thomas Depierre with "Programming with Abstract Data Type" by Barbara Liskov

San Francisco 6/15: Peter Geoghegan on "Query Evaluation Techniques for Large Databases"

Jall ed Dîb 6/19: Papers We Love meetup

Columbus 6/21: Papers We Love Book Club: Time to Pick a New Book

Denver 6/22: Susan McIntosh -> The New New Product Development Game

New York 6/26: Papers We Love - QCon NYC Edition w/ John, Matt, Charity, and Gwen

Amsterdam 6/27: Spanner: Becoming a SQL System

Montréal 6/28: "The BSD Packet Filter: A New Architecture for User-level Packet Capture"

Fairfax 6/28: In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm

Utrecht 6/29: Why Functional Programming Matters

Zürich 6/29: Animesh Trivedi on Raft: In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm

The New York Chapter would like to give special thanks to our Platinum sponsor TwoSigma. Join us in St. Louis for PWLConf 2017!