We have another great line-up of meet-ups scheduled for July across a number of our chapters:
Singapore 7/4: Papers We Love #028
Columbus 7/5: Papers We Love Book Club: The Dawn of Software Engineering
Seattle 7/6: PWL #33: LIME && Sqlcache
San Diego 7/6: Personal Dynamic Media
Teresina 7/7: TDBS: a time division beacon scheduling mechanism for ZigBee cluster-tree WSN
cambridge 7/11: Implementing lazy functional languages on stock hardware (Joe Jevnik)
Budapest 7/13: Károly Lőrentey on "Red-black trees in a functional setting" by Chris Okasaki
London 7/13: Chris Ford with "Analysis by Compression" by David Meredith
Olivette 7/17: Tackling the Awkward Squad: monadic input/output, concurrency…
New York 7/19: Wes Chow on "Off-the-Record Communication, or, Why Not To Use PGP"
Amsterdam 7/24: Propositions as Types
Arlington 7/25: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in Natural Sciences
Montréal 7/26: "An industrial-strength audio search algorithm"
San Francisco 7/27: Kevin Burke on "Curve25519 and fast public key cryptography"
The New York Chapter would like to give special thanks to our Platinum sponsor TwoSigma. Join us in St. Louis for PWLConf 2017!