January Meetups

We have another great line-up of meet-ups scheduled for January across a number of our chapters:

Seattle 1/5: : New Directions in Cryptography

San Diego 1/5: Discussion Group: Reflections on Trusting Trust

Chattanooga 1/10: Josh Marlow on A Basic Agent

Durham 1/12: Learn how to read an Academic/Scientific paper

Vienna 1/16: Parsing with Derivatives

San Francisco 1/19: Caitie McCaffrey on "Distributed Programming in Argus"

Bangalore 1/21: CRDT: Conflictfree replicated data types

Gothenburg 1/25: Use of Formal Methods at Amazon Web Services by Nachi

Montréal 1/25: ConvolutionBased Interpolation for Fast, High-Quality Rotation of Images

Falls Church 1/25: Parallel computation with molecularmotor-propelled agents (…)

Winnipeg 1/25: Our Last Event via Meetup and a New Location

Portland 1/25: Carl Lerche on "A comprehensive study of CRDTs"

Bucharest 1/27: January Meetup

Olivette 1/30: The mechanical evaluation of expressions

The New York Chapter would like to give special thanks to our Platinum sponsor TwoSigma. Join us in St. Louis for PWLConf 2016!