September Meetups

We have another great line-up of meet-ups scheduled for September across a number of our chapters:

Pune 9/2: Cross Post: Startup Weekend Pune Powered by Google for Entrepreneurs

Chattanooga 9/6: Physical impossibility of consensus of death in the mind of someone faulty

Boston 9/8: Jonathan Schuster on Programmatic and Direct Manipulation, Together at Last

Seattle 9/8: : A New Implementation Technique for Applicative Languages

Madrid 9/14: Causality is simple

Vienna 9/19: Learning to Forget: Continual Prediction with LSTM

Utrecht 9/19: Meetup : TLA+ a specification language for concurrent and distributed systems

Saint Louis 9/19: RAPPOR: Randomized Aggregatable PrivacyPreserving Ordinal Response

Montréal 9/21: Dynamic Time Warping

94107 9/22: Tony Arcieri on A Protocol for Interledger Payments

Fairfax 9/28: PwL Conf Recap/Networking

Winnipeg 9/28: The Moral Character of Cryptographic Work

Portland 9/28: Lisa Orr on "Top algorithms in data mining"

Los Angeles 9/28: Jim Benvenuto on EPITAXIS

New York 9/29: Elizabeth Ramirez on A New Approach to Linear Filtering and Prediction Problems

The New York Chapter would like to give special thanks to our Platinum sponsor TwoSigma. Join us in St. Louis for PWLConf 2016!