June Meetups

We have another great line-up of meet-ups scheduled for June across a number of our chapters:

Toronto 6/1: James MacAulay on Peter Landin's The Mechanical Evaluation of Expressions

London 6/7: Philip Wadler Definitional Interpreters for Higher-Order Programming Languages

Chattanooga 6/7: Neil Menne on Building Robust Systems

Seattle 6/9: : Liquid Haskell / PayWord and Micromint

New York 6/14: QCon NYC Edition w/ Evelina, Eric, Ines, & Caitie

Boston 6/16: Steve Willis on Xerox Network Systems (XNS)

Vienna 6/20: Apache Kafka

Saint Louis 6/20: What Makes Paris Look Like Paris?

Montréal 6/22: A Streaming Algorithm for the Convex Hull

Bucharest 6/23: June Meetup

San Francisco 6/23: Kiran Bhattaram on A Mathematical Theory of Communication

Portland 6/28: Caitie McCaffrey on "Detection of Mutual Inconsistency in Distributed Systems"

Los Angeles 6/29: Mike Matuzak on On Criteria To Be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules

The New York Chapter would like to give special thanks to our Platinum sponsor TwoSigma. We would like to give additional thanks to The Ladders and Tumblr and for providing food/refreshments and facilities for the June meetup.