We have another great line-up of meet-ups scheduled for August across a number of our chapters:
Toronto 8/5: Ben Darwin on Programming with Algebraic Effects and Handlers
Amsterdam 8/13: Resilient Distributed Datasets
Seattle 8/13: Mesos A Platform for Fine-Grained Resource Sharing in the Data Center
Bangalore 8/15: Wait Free Synchronization Maurice Herlihy
New York 8/17: Michael Bernstein on Propositions as Types
Saint Louis 8/17: Continuum Robot Arms Inspired by Cephalopods (Walker, et al)
San Francisco 8/20: Bob Poekert on COOLCAT
Montreal 8/26: Towards Robot Scientists for autonomous scientific discovery
Marina del Rey 8/26: Eric Scrivner on Bitcoin: A Peerto-Peer Electronic Cash System
The New York Chapter would like to give special thanks to our Platinum sponsor TwoSigma. We would like to give additional thanks to The Ladders and Tumblr and for providing food/refreshments and facilities for the August meetup.