Ben Darwin on Programming with Algebraic Effects and Handlers

Toronto - August 5, 2015

Ben Darwin on Programming with Algebraic Effects and Handlers


Handlers for algebraic effects are a promising development in managing complexity in software. In addition to the prototypal implementation in Eff (, they've also been implemented variously as a Haskell library, in the experimental functional languages Idris, Koka, and F-star, and in an experimental branch of the Ocaml compiler ( I'll begin by looking for some intuitive motivation for the concept as a generalization of familiar ideas like exceptions. After looking at the syntax and semantics of the new constructs, we'll consider a number of examples (in Eff and/or Ocaml) from the paper including implementing probabilistic programming and thread scheduling. I'll briefly compare such effect systems against Haskell's monad transformers without getting into details of the latter


Ben Darwin is a programmer at Sick Kids Hospital's Mouse Imaging Centre.

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